Quarterly Goals

For a while I have created quarterly goals, but never shared them here.

If you don’t know what quarterly goals are, they are goals you create for yourself every 3 months and attempt to achieve them. Mine run January / February / March, April / May / June, July / August / September, October / November / December.

For my July – September goals I will be focusing on writing, blog and life in general.


  1. Complete the full outline of my current work in progress.
  2. Have chapters 1 through 5 published on wattpad of my wattpad story I am working on. (Watch out for that.)
  3. Start my story binder for my WIP.


  1. Post at least every other week with either a book review or writing advice.
  2. Read 1 contemperary and 1 fantasy a month at least (audiobooks count.)
  3. Re-address the theme and overall of the blog.

Life in General

  1. Join beachbody before end of August.
  2. Get a grip on my finances.
  3. Use my planner more effectively.

If I hit over 50 percent of my goals I get a pat on the back and I reward myself which is usually in the form of a manicure or pedicure. If I don’t, I readdress and see where I failed and why so I can reattempt for success in the next quarter.

I enjoy the quarterly goals because it allows me to break down my life into sections and then micro-manage my tasks in life so I can complete more. My current WIP has been one I have been jotting down and working on for a long time. I would really enjoy being able to make this a realistic thing that I can share with the world rather then something that just plays like a movie in my head.

What are your goals? Care to share?
