Contemporary-a-thon TBR!

Contemporary-a-thon TBR

I’m so excited to announce my contemporary-a-thon TBR. If you haven’t seen anything about the conteporary-a-thon feel free to check out my other post here! I am so excited to show you what I will be reading.


The first book I choose covers the challenges to read a book with orange on the cover, to read a diverse book, to read a book in a non-traditional format, to read a book with my ititials on the cover AND it covers the challenge to read the challenge to read a new to me author.

Anger Is a Gift by Mark Oshiro
36142487My initials can be found with the E in anger, the A and the G in gift. The cover is absolutely stunning and has splashes of orange. I will be listening to the audiobook too. Natasha from MyReadingisOdd rants about this book being absolutely AMAZING so I would expect nothing short of enjoying it.

My only hope is that I fall in love with this book. I need something raw and real in my life and between Anger is a Gift and my next book I think I will get just that.

My next choice, and final book is one that covers a dark / taboo read as it deals with rape and is a five star prediction.

Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake
31351689Everyone that I watch and trust their views and reviews has read and loved this book. It deals with a girl handling the news that her twin brother is accused of raping her best friend. I am under the understanding that it is hard hitting and heart retching.

While I know that this will be fantastic I also don’t want to get my hopes up to high with this as I know when I do so I end up thinking it is life changing because of the hype only for it to be fantastic but not enough.


There you have it, that is my contemporary-a-thon TBR. I know it isn’t a massive stack of books and fitting one book per challenge but as much as I envy people who can do that I am not one of them. I am going to listen to Anger Is A Gift on audiobook and read A Girl Made of Stars via my trusty e-reader.

Are you participating in contemporary-a-thon? If you are, what are you reading? Let’s discuss and participate together!




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