Writing Wednesday: Week Two

Writing Wednesday

It’s been a writing adventure, and when I say that please know it is full of sarcasm.

My characters have decided to completely avoid me the last little while. I know that makes me sound like a crazy person but seriously I am trying to write and work on my plot and outline and the characters are off somewhere dancing in a field of flowers not listening.

I am struggling to find out where I want my story to end. The premise keeps getting bigger and bigger with more and more little details. I have wanted to see the end for a while now so I can figure out how to get there but it hasn’t been getting there at all.

I am struggling to find out where I want my story to end. The premise keeps getting bigger and bigger with more and more little details. I have wanted to see the end for a while now so I can figure out how to get there but it hasn’t been getting there at all.

The hardest part of writing for me is the ending. Deciding what it should be and then getting there. The ending should be a giant wrap up, a huge build up that everyone is excited to read. But for me it is a mystery. I want to create an outline but its difficult knowing that I have no idea where I am going.

One thing I have had implanted in my head is that if you are going to outline, you need to do character development along with the outline.

What is the hardest part of writing for you? Let me know and maybe we can help each other!

Writing Wednesday : Week One.

Writing Wednesday

It’s a lot of pressure trying to keeping up with writing, blogging, reading and you know the none important stuff on the side like work. But writing is always one thing that has always been there for me to come back to.

This is where I plan on telling you all about my lessons I am learning and failing at and generally get to ramble on about.

Today, I am rambling. Truthfully I have been working on my project for over a year. I start my first drafts, I write anywhere between 10k to 40k words, then because I don’t have a plan or ending in mind I fall off and go back to just writing notes etc.

I have books, upon books, upon books of notes I have jotted down. I am thinking it is helping but is it really? I think it is just me going on and on about the same thing and developing what I believe is a huge break through, but meanwhile I am really just adding a small part into something I had figured out two notebooks ago.

It’s something I have always struggled with and I think a lot of other people have as well. The fact of finishing. Finishing the first draft so I can edit it, so I can rewrite, edit again. It’s the act of finishing and being done.

My main goal is to FINISH.

This goal is then going to broke down in several different teeny tiny goals in order to make it possibility. The one I am going to focus on first is writing an outline with an ending included. This means I will actually have a place to go in sight while I take myself and these characters on this journey.

Will you join me? If you want to, be sure to check back for more Writing Wednesdays!