Contemporary-A-Thon (Round 4) TBR

It’s time for another round of Contemporary-a-thon and I can’t explain how excited I am!

If you have missed my several attempts at trying to do this readathon, please just pretend they never existed. My shame will thank you.

Contemporary-a-thon is a readathon created by two booktubers, Chealsea from ChealseaDollingReads & Julie from PagesandPens. They have slowly added in some of my favorite people to follow on booktube, Natasha from MyReadingIsOdd and most recently Mel from MeltotheAny.

If you are a returning reader of my blog you would know I have mentioned them several times over past posts, but Mel has recently branced out from her lovely blog to booktube (so go check her out!)

This round of Contemporary-a-thon takes place from 2/11 to 2/17 and it also means a round of new challenges and to me meant a new way for me to get creative because I have no time to actually read but always want to participate. This means to me that I look at the challenges, my bookshelf and what I can possibly borrow from the library and see if I can get the challenges to line up with as few books as possible, (its not cheating, they say so in their videos!)

The challenges for this round are:
1. Read the most recent contemporary book you purchased/acquired
2. Read book with blurple (blue or purple lol) on the cover
3. Read a diverse contemporary (keeping in mind that it is Black History Month!)
4. Read a dark/emotional/hard-hitting contemporary
5. Read a contemporary that you meant to read in 2018 but didn’t
6. Read a contemporary in a non-traditional format
7. Read a contemporary with some sort of picture on the spine

My choices are (and these may change):

Black Enough: Stories of Being Young & Black in America.
This is a short story anthology written by a bunch of my favorite authors, dealing with diversity in America. While I am Canadian I am almost certain, though I can not speak for the masses as I am not a young black person, that it would be the same kind of experiences here in Canada.

This would fill the challenges to read my most recent acquired contemporary (I am getting the ebook specifically for this read-a-thon), the cover is a lovely purple color, it is obviously a diverse read for me for reasons stated above and it would align with black history month, I BELIEVE it is a hard hitting book, it is a short story collection and an ebook form, ANNNNNND I believe it has a photo on the spine… but I may be wrong about that.

For those of you keeping count at home that is 6 out of the 7 challenges for one book.

Giant Days Volume 2
I am currently reading volume 1 but I was gifted the ebooks of these from a dear friend at the beginning of last year and I am JUST getting to them. They are graphic novels based around a group of girls experience in college, so far being cute and funny.

This would wrap up my challenges as a whole.

I should have absolutely NO problem reading these two things. Two. That is all I have to do, and I am asking my readers to keep me accountable.

If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Goodreads and don’t see me saying SOMETHING that week about one of these two books… yell at me. Blast me. I want the world to know I failed because lets be fair, it is a short story anthology and a graphic novel. I should have this.

Are you planning on participating in Contemporary-a-thon? If so, be sure to check out all of the hosts and to let me know what you are reading! I’d love to chat!

Contemporary-a-thon TBR!

Contemporary-a-thon TBR

I’m so excited to announce my contemporary-a-thon TBR. If you haven’t seen anything about the conteporary-a-thon feel free to check out my other post here! I am so excited to show you what I will be reading.


The first book I choose covers the challenges to read a book with orange on the cover, to read a diverse book, to read a book in a non-traditional format, to read a book with my ititials on the cover AND it covers the challenge to read the challenge to read a new to me author.

Anger Is a Gift by Mark Oshiro
36142487My initials can be found with the E in anger, the A and the G in gift. The cover is absolutely stunning and has splashes of orange. I will be listening to the audiobook too. Natasha from MyReadingisOdd rants about this book being absolutely AMAZING so I would expect nothing short of enjoying it.

My only hope is that I fall in love with this book. I need something raw and real in my life and between Anger is a Gift and my next book I think I will get just that.

My next choice, and final book is one that covers a dark / taboo read as it deals with rape and is a five star prediction.

Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake
31351689Everyone that I watch and trust their views and reviews has read and loved this book. It deals with a girl handling the news that her twin brother is accused of raping her best friend. I am under the understanding that it is hard hitting and heart retching.

While I know that this will be fantastic I also don’t want to get my hopes up to high with this as I know when I do so I end up thinking it is life changing because of the hype only for it to be fantastic but not enough.


There you have it, that is my contemporary-a-thon TBR. I know it isn’t a massive stack of books and fitting one book per challenge but as much as I envy people who can do that I am not one of them. I am going to listen to Anger Is A Gift on audiobook and read A Girl Made of Stars via my trusty e-reader.

Are you participating in contemporary-a-thon? If you are, what are you reading? Let’s discuss and participate together!




August Wrap Up

August Wrap Up

August for me was a successful reading month in my very biased opinion! I was lucky enough to spend a bit of time everywhere I went reading and it shows.

Books I Obtained

I was lucky enough to attend a Library sale this month. I acquired a few books, some that I am unsure if I will read but seemed right up my ally and some I had already read but wanted a physical copy of.

The books I got at that sale were:

  1. Playground by 50 Cent
  2. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
  3. Twenty Something by Sophie Kinsella
  4. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
  5. Little Black Lies by Tish Cosh

I also ordered for myself two new physical books which are The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Next Year in Havana. Chapters was having a free shipping sale so I jumped all over it. Pretty much any sale Chapters has I jump all over.

Along with that I also picked up Girl Mans Up at Value Villiage. This was a signed hardback for five dollars!

Books I Borrowed

I got a new phone! Along with that I got a phone that would allow Libby to work on my phone so I went a little nuts and started browsing all the books! My biggest issue was that my library doesn’t have the largest selection but big enough that I was happy with what I got.

The books I picked up this month were The Prince and the Dress Maker, Through the Woods and Lumberjanes.

Books I Read

Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker
I listened to this in audiobook and I felt it fell a little flat. It was an okay book but nothing special.

Lumberjanes (#1)
My library didn’t have the bindup of the first four volumes or whichever it is so I only had the very first volume. It was super cute and would recommend it to everyone.

The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
I have seen so many people boast about this book I was estatic that Libby had it and it was available to be borrowed. This deals with acceptance and love and is adorable.

When You Read This by Mary Adkins
I got approved for this on Edelweiss. I was at first very excited to read it because of the different format and it sounded like a super cute contemporary. It was that but nothing much more.

Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton
This book was pitched to me as a Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo vibe. I think it gets this from its dual timeline perspective, but that is all I found in common with it. That doesn’t mean I didn’t love it. I learned so much about Cuba and the struggled the people there have went through and continue to go through that I was in love with the story less than twenty pages in.


Have you read any of these books? If you have lets talk about it! I would love to hear your thoughts especially on the books I obtained from the library sale!



Would You Rather: Book Edition!

Would You Rather

I adore book tags, so I thought I would do one that I first saw a LONG time ago done by Hardback Hoarder.

Instead of trying to prolong this or try to explain what Would You Rather is, I will jump right into it!


Would you rather… Read only series or only standalones?
This is a really tough question. There is nothing more exciting than getting the next book in your most anticipated and most loved series in your hand but in the mean time, a standalone can pack SO MUCH PUNCH!

My verdict is that I would have to read standalones.

Would you rather… Read books by only female or male authors?
While I looked over my read and to be read list I realized I read roughly 90% female authors. I never really consider the author when I pick up a new to me book, I read the synopsis and then decide if it is for me. But since I seem to have a pattern I think it chooses my decision.

Female authors it is.

Would you rather… Shop at Chapters or Amazon?
I just want to point out I changed the first option to chapters from Barnes and Noble because I don’t know where there is a Barnes and Noble in Ontario. I think it is mainly an American company.
That being said, I shop equally at both Chapters and Amazon but if I was to be forced to shop at only one I choose Chapters hands down. There is nothing wrong with Amazon but I get points at Chapters that I can use for free books so I mean…

Chapters wins.

Would you rather…All Books become movies or T.V shows.
Is neither an option? Before you sharpen your pitchfork, let me explain. I LOVE a good adaptation (can I sing praise for To All The Boys I’v Loved Before) but some books just belong as books. Hands down though I have yet to find a TV show I am willing to run and see like I am willing to run to see The Hate U Give.

Movies is the winner way over T.V shows.

Would you rather…Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
Sometimes reading takes a back burner. When my focus is down I find it much easier to zone out to a television show appose to focusing on the words on a page. If I could read 5 books per week and be able to love them, absorb them and give every book the dedication it deserves then I would take that option for sure.

5 books a week is the clear choice.

Would you rather…Be a professional review or an author?

I’m not even going to explain this because I feel I don’t have to. Author. Always an author.

Would you rather…read only your top 20 favorite books or read everything BUT your favorite books?
I highly dislike this question for multiple reasons. A) I don’t want to narrow down a list to 20 books of my favorites, can I at least get certain criteria that I would have to follow to assist me? B) I don’t want to never re-read those. C) I don’t want to not be able to ever discover any new worlds or fall in love with new characters.

I don’t want to ever not be able to fall in love with new books though. Isnt that the point of being a reader?

Would you rather…be a librarian or bookseller?
Being a bookseller does sound nice but nothing close to being able to being a librarian. A librarian is so much more than a book pusher, they assist with research and educate people about the community and a lot of other topics. A librarian is a huge part of a community.

A librarian is everything that we need, and there are some days I wish I had perused it as a career.

Would you rather… read only your favorite genre or everything but your favorite genre.
Favorite genre. While this is nothing like choosing a favorite book and making it the only book you’ll read there is new books coming out in every genre so often I have no doubt in my mind that I would pick to read my favorite genre.

Would you rather… read only physical books or e-books.
I DESPISE this question. I feel like this has been an on going debate since e-books emerged and the devises became a daily carry in everyone’s life.
My personal system is that I buy e-books first 99% of the time. If you have read some of my other posts you will know this. I buy e-books first because they are usually cheaper, I can carry them wherever I go and there are sales on and off all the time. If I enjoy a book I buy a physical copy, authors then get 2 sales from me if I like the book.

I refuse to answer this question, I’ll do me.


Those are my answers, what about you? I enjoy doing stuff like this so you can learn a lot about me and my reading tastes but I also want to learn about yours! If you do this please let me know so I can check it out or feel free to let me know in the comments and we can chat about your answers there!

Top Ten: Books I Am Anticipating At Year End.


We are at the end of August which means we have THREE months left in 2018. Hands up if you think this year went by EXTREMELY fast?

Because we have three months left I thought I would count down my most anticipated releases of the rest of 2018. Some of these are squeals, if that is the case I will also link the first book in the series! 

10.  Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas.
Expected Publication Date: October 23rd 2018
This is the seventh book in the Throne of Glass series. I admit to only being four books deep into the series but I am going to continue this series. I am dedicated, scouts honor.

9.  Vengeful by V.E Schwab
Expected Publication Date: September 25th 2018
I have heard nothing but raves about the first book in the series so I picked it up and it still sits on my TBR shelf. First book in the series is Vicious and if it is anything like her other books I know I need to read it asap.

8. Two Dark Reigns by Kendare Blake
Expected Publication Date: September 4th 2018
I will admit, I found the first book Three Dark Crowns slow at the start, but the second book was absolutely fantastic! The second book was full of action and a cliff hanger ending that I need the third book right away.

7. Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren,
Expected Publication Date: September 4th 2018
I read Love and Other Words earlier this year and LOVED it. It was emotional and it took me on a roller coaster ride while I read it. I want to read their Beautiful Bastard series as well but knowing that a few booktubers I follow have read and loved this makes me want this book in my hands now.

6.Four Three Two One by Courtney C Stevens
Expected Publication Date: November 13th 2018
I have heard rave reviews about Courtney C Stevens book Dress Code for Small Towns and how she can write amazing diversity in her books. This book is about a girl who reunites with other survivors of a bus bombing.

5. People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins
Expected Publication Date: September 4th 2018
I have read and own every single one of Ellen Hopkins writing. Grated my tastes have changed a bit but I always turn back to Ellen Hopkins. I already have this book pre-ordered and I can’t wait for this to show up at my doorstep.

4.Imagine Us Happy by Jennifer Yu
Expected Publication Date: October 23rd 2018
There is not a lot of hype around this book but the hype I have seen have been amazing. This story is about dealing with depression and other mental illnesses and also comes with some trigger warning but I love reading real and raw books.

3.A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti
Expected Publication Date: September 18th 2018
This book recently jumped on my radar because of Julie’s instagram stories as she read it. I feel this would make an amazing traveling book with a few of my friends or a book club read.

2.What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
Expected Publication Date: October 9th 2018
This book is EVERYWHERE. I expected it to be with authors like Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera who are the queen and king of love and heartbreak. I am on edge as to what to expect with the ending as there has been NO hints what so ever, and now I NEED this book.

1. A Very Large Expansive Sea by Tahereh Mafi
Expected Publication Date: October 16th 2018
I know Tahareh Mafi for writing her Shatter Me series. But this book is nothing like that series. This book is based a year after 9/11 happens and it deals with the aftermath of racism. I want to read and rave about this book because I have nothing but high hopes for it.


Did any of these books make it to your top ten list for the rest of the year? Let me know in the comments!!

Down the TBR Hole: #2


Down the TBR Hole was orginally created by Lost In A Story, and I found it on Mel to the Any

The point of it is to cut down the TBR list that we have all created, or maybe push more anticipated releases a little higher up. This way you won’t die under a heap of unread books!


How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to be read shelf.
  • Change the order to ascending order.
  • Take the first five books on your list (or how ever many you’d like!)
  • Read the synopsis of each of those books.
  • Decide if they should stay or go.

DividerHopeless by Colleen Hoover

15717943I picked this book up at a used bookstore a long time ago, and it has been the bain of my existence sometimes. I look at it and it tells me it needs to be read but then I hear all about how I should probably never pick up a Colleen Hoover book due to the hate she has received for her poor writing. It’s not that the writing itself that is apparently bad is the terrible choice of working she uses.

Verdict: Delete x

This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp 24529123

I think this book got a bit of hype at one point and that is the reason it is on my list. I know its a hard hitting story but I don’t think I will ever personally pick this book up. My tastes have changed.

Verdict: Deletex


25309770Curio by Evangeline Denmark

Raising my hand in a scouts salute I will tell you I do not remember adding this to my TBR. It is steampunk and seems very full of angst and nothing that is in my style. I am sure I was very ambitious to try something new at one point but it never happened and it wont happen now I am sure.

Verdict: Deletex

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen 18712886

This is a hyped book, therefore I am sure this why I added it onto my list. I’m not a HUGE fan of fantasy and I wish I was but I want to give this one a try. I am finding myself getting more and more into fantasy as long as I can get an audiobook with it. I want to try this one.

Verdict: Keep check

25150159Blackout by Chris Myers

This seems like a very classic new adult book I would have fallen for back when I was seventeen or eighteen. The girl who needs the guy to save her for some unknown reason, and he is a hunky bad boy who just needs to change into a softy and he would be the ‘perfect guy’ and of course he does because he loves the girl so much.

I might actually keep this on my TBR for the sheer fact is it might be something that I can read quickly when I am in a slump to pull me out of it. Besides I can always DNF it if it’s terrible.

Verdict: Keep check


Sometimes taking my TBR down a couple at a time feels good. It has also made me reevaluate my tastes as a readers as I have had some of these on since 2014.

Did I keep any that you thought I would keep? Do you agree or disagree with any of the decisions I made? Let me know int he comments!

Goodreads   |   Instagram


Down the TBR Hole: #1


Down the TBR Hole was orginally created by Lost In A Story, and I found it on Mel to the Any

The point of it is to cut down the TBR list that we have all created, or maybe push more anticipated releases a little higher up. This way you won’t die under a heap of unread books!


How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to be read shelf.
  • Change the order to ascending order.
  • Take the first five books on your list (or how ever many you’d like!)
  • Read the synopsis of each of those books.
  • Decide if they should stay or go.


The books I am choosing are a bit of a mash up of books because lets be real, my TBR needs some help. Maybe someday I will have a coercive theme but this one wont be.

5303373The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams

Looking at this cover and reading the synopsis I realize why I added it to my TBR back in 2014. It is almost ten years old and I haven’t bought or borrowed it to pick it up and I think that it is because it fell off my radar when I found more and more books to read.

Verdict: Keep check (and read it sooner rather then later!)


Switched by Amanda Hockling

I don’t think fantasy written in 2010 is something I am going to find myself picking up anytime soon. Granted, if i had read it back when I had first added it I would probably have enjoyed it but now I think I am going to find a ton of trigger warnings and bad writing. If it crosses my path again and I am intreged by it again I might re-add it.
Verdict: Delete x



All These Things I’ve Done by Gabrielle Zevin

I’m really not into the whole dystopian thing anymore. When I was adding books like this to my TBR the Hunger Games movies were coming out and I was loving every moment. Now, I just don’t pick them up. I am trying to not pick up books that I see no appeal in so this book just isn’t going to make the cut.
Verdict: Delete x


6449916Girl In the Arena by Lise Haines

I really don’t feel like rambling on about this book that’s how much I don’t know why this is added to my list. It has a low rating, tropes left right and center and I am not interested.

Verdict: Delete x


170529What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones

I added this book after I reread all the books I own written by Ellen Hopkins. It’s verse and has high ratings, deals with some hard hitting topics and looks all in all very good.

Verdict: Keep check


I managed to short my TBR by three books! While it isn’t a huge dent in my 200+ TBR it is something and I am proud! Slowly but surely I will get these down to an art.

Have you read any of these books? Do you agree with my decision for any of them, lets discuss in the comments!

Highest Rated Books On My TBR

Highest Rated

I’m calling this a tag, I don’t know if it is a tag and I’m not going to tag anyone because lets be honest… if you want to do it please just do it. I wasn’t tagged by anyone and I’m still doing it so here we are!

I found this on Mel’s blog, so be sure to follow her at mel to the any, trust me its worth it!

So this is how it it will work. I am going to load up my Goodreads account and go to my TBR shelf. Sorting my books by rating and taking out the books that are not yet released because let’s be honest we know Wicked King is high up there, the ratings are already flooding in and we normal and extremely jealous people are wanting to join in on the squeal but here we are.

Ultimately, first books or stand alones only! I like a challenge.

I am also going to exclude any Harry Potter. Not because I think they are bad but I think we all know JK Rowling is a queen and the Harry Potter books will always receive a five star review from me. No ifs ands or buts.

I will also rank these 1*10 so lets get into the wild ride.

1. I Was Born for This by Alice Oseman
Rating: 4.36 * | 1232 Ratings | 415 Reviews

I was first put on to Alice Oseman after the amount of hype that is around Radio Silence (which I still haven’t read) but I went on an adding spree and added her other books to my TBR as well.

2. A List of Cages by Robin Roe
Rating: 4.32* | 11,357 Ratings | 2636 Reviews

Two of my favorite booktubers, ChelseaDollingReads & Pages and Pens both read this book and gave it a really low review despite everyone else I know kind of loving it so I really wanted to see where I stood on it. I’ll be sure to let you know when I figure it out.

3. A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G Drews
Rating: 4.29* | 760 Ratings | 408 Reviews

I have been wanting to read this since Cait at PaperFury announced she was writing it. I am all about supporting smaller authors and plus her blog is beauty goals!

4. Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake
Rating: 4.25* | 1883 Ratings | 601 Reviews

This book is a hype add honestly and I am trying my best to not do that anymore, but the ratings are high enough that I think I can read this and really enjoy it. It deals with tough trigger issues and subjects I feel need to be explored.

5. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
Rating: 4.23* | 50,598 Ratings | 8847 Reviews

Bit of an older book that I need to pull off my shelf and read and another one that Chelsea reccomends over and over because it is her favorite book. When I do pick it up it will have to be when I am in the mood for romance and the haters to lovers trope (which I mean honestly do I ever NOT want that trope in my romance life?)

6. We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Rating: 4.21* | 17,323 Ratings | 3518 Reviews

All of these people that have rated it can’t be wrong. I have picked up We Are the Ants before but I couldn’t get into it. Granted I was in a major reading slump but I hope when I pick it back up I hope I can give it the attention it deserves.

7. Anger Is a Gift by Mark Oshiro
Rating: 4.2 * | 647 Ratings | 274 Reviews

Anger Is a Gift is being held along side The Hate U Give and I really want to read it mainly because of this. Natasha from MyReadingisOdd on booktube even changed her twitter name to include that the whole world needs to read this book.

8. The Poppy War by R.F Kuang
Rating: 4.19* | 3667 Ratings | 1030 Reviews

A fantasy book with a strong female heroin, no romance and a ton of action. I NEED TO READ THIS. I am secretly trying to wait it out until I can get the floppy paperback edition and I may need the audiobook to go with it but Maddie from The Book Pusher just finished it and I have a strong feeling she will be raving about it soon.

9. What I Lost by Alexandra Ballard
Rating: 4.12 * | 1304 Ratings | 282 Reviews

A book that deals head on with an eating disorder and the aftermath of it is something that if done correctly can be something that is really powerful. I am hoping that when I pick it up it will be something that I endorse everybody to read instead of being disappointed.

10. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
Rating: 4.12* | 25,810 Ratings | 5555 Reviews

I haven’t picked it up because I am so overwhelmed with this book. It seems like it has so much going on, but so well written. I hear the prose is beautiful but can anyone tell me what the book is REALLY about?


That’s all ten! Where do these fall on your TBR? Are you excited for any of these or have you read them and can tell me if I should take them off my list all together? Let me know in the comments below.

Cover Reveal – Marissa Meyers Heartless

Heartless by Marissa Meyers has been on my most anticipated reads list since the annoucment of the book came out. I post is on my blog post here discussing some of my list and finally, after a much time waited we have a cover for the book.

If you don’t know who Marissa Meyers is, she is the author of the very popular Lunar Chronicles series. These books are retellings of some of the most popular fairy tales such as Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood.
Her next novel, Heartless is to be a retelling of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland (one of my favorite stories!) Many people have been anxiously awaiting the cover reveal and of course the book release.

Without further addo – I release to you the cover of Heartless by Marrissa Meyer!


While I was expecting the cover to be a more intricate I am really surprised and in love with this one.

What do you think? Is it a book on your list to be read this year? Let me know.

Year End To Be Read (TBR)

December is the perfect time to get cozy and grab your favorite tea with a good book. As the wind blows in snow and bitter cold weather it makes you nostalgic to want a fireplace and somewhere warm. Also, December has the added bonus of school breaks and many workplaces have extra days off for Christmas (yay for much needed breaks!)

So here is my December, or what is left of it, TBR.

  1. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
    This science fiction thriller has been on my list since it was announced it was to be released. I am only about 20 pages in but the way the book is told through government documents and such an interesting approach makes it so thrilling and a fun read. Can’t wait to finish it and write my review.
  2. Traffick by Ellen Hopkins
    This is follow-up to Ellen’s book Tricks. Her writing is all in prose and touches on some very deep subjects but they are subjects that need to be talked about. Soon in the very close future I want to re-read all of her books and do brief reviews on all of them since I seem to have lost touch with her writing. Look out for this review.
  3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
    I do agree I am a bit behind on jumping on the Throne of Glass series and for a moment I was wondering why I waited so long but for the past week I haven’t been able to read past page 182. Everyone keeps saying it gets better so I am trying to push through, wish me good reading thoughts my friends.

These are my three books for the rest of the month, I have a large work week coming up so I am happy I have all of these to look forward too.

Read well friends.