Year End To Be Read (TBR)

December is the perfect time to get cozy and grab your favorite tea with a good book. As the wind blows in snow and bitter cold weather it makes you nostalgic to want a fireplace and somewhere warm. Also, December has the added bonus of school breaks and many workplaces have extra days off for Christmas (yay for much needed breaks!)

So here is my December, or what is left of it, TBR.

  1. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
    This science fiction thriller has been on my list since it was announced it was to be released. I am only about 20 pages in but the way the book is told through government documents and such an interesting approach makes it so thrilling and a fun read. Can’t wait to finish it and write my review.
  2. Traffick by Ellen Hopkins
    This is follow-up to Ellen’s book Tricks. Her writing is all in prose and touches on some very deep subjects but they are subjects that need to be talked about. Soon in the very close future I want to re-read all of her books and do brief reviews on all of them since I seem to have lost touch with her writing. Look out for this review.
  3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
    I do agree I am a bit behind on jumping on the Throne of Glass series and for a moment I was wondering why I waited so long but for the past week I haven’t been able to read past page 182. Everyone keeps saying it gets better so I am trying to push through, wish me good reading thoughts my friends.

These are my three books for the rest of the month, I have a large work week coming up so I am happy I have all of these to look forward too.

Read well friends.


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